
Effect of Menstrual Cycle Phase on Post-Exercise Iron and Hepcidin Response

04 April 2019

We are investigating whether responses to exercise change over the female menstrual cycle, specifically looking at iron status, hepcidin (an iron regulator hormone) and markers of inflammation.

If you're interested in taking part, you will be invited to complete 4 laboratory visits in total, including 2 main exercise trial visit days where blood samples will be collected.

We can provide you information about your exercise level and guidance on your training, plus information about your iron.


Ethical approval

This study has been reviewed according to procedures specified by the University Research Ethics (Human Participants) Sub-Committee and has been given a favourable opinion for conduct (REF NO: R18-P168 )

About the researcher

Alexandra Shill is undertaking this study as part of her PhD. Dr Nicolette Bishop (Reader in Exercise Immunology, School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences) and Dr Richard Burden (English Institute of Sport) is supervising him in conducting this research

Contact researcher

Academic study

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